Friday, December 17, 2010
Spoof Ad Re-Do
Posted by Shelie at 12:02 PM 0 comments
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Media Arts Portfolio
1. My first idea was a graveyard with a tree and an owl in the tree. The scene would be dark and eerie because a lot of my art is dark, like my lyric assignment and my alter ego as well as my survival assignment from this year. I don't really know what my other scenes will be though. I could take the viewers into the tree or a crypt or grave. I could have my art work in the crypt with spider webs and broken beams. The only issue I'd have with this theme is it doesn't portray me as a person.
2. I like hockey. I could do something in a dressing room, or since I'm the goalie I could have a net scene with a puck and other things associated with hockey. This would probably be the theme that best suits me. It'll probably be the most interesting to me but none of my art involves hockey. Another thing I would be concerned about is the animation and how I would add movement and come into my main scene.
3. Another idea I had was a desk with a lot of the things that I can't live without. Things like my Ipod, phone, pictures and the laptop. I think something like a picture of myself playing hockey or my hockey picture would take the viewer to my biography, or maybe my Ipod because I think someones music can tell a lot about them. My phone or laptop could be the buttons that take the viewer to my art.
4. A lot of my art involves animals, more of my visual arts though not so much the computer designed art. I don't really know how I would incorporate a theme with animals, whether I used a kennel or a pet bed. I think it would be difficult to have an animal theme. I could do a wild scene rather than a domestic scene. My portfolio could be a part of the environment in a jungle or a forest. I could use favourite animals as buttons. I think this idea would give me a variety of ways to use movement and movie clips.
5. I want to go into graphic design. I could use a Mac desktop with different design concepts. That way I can bring in all my theme ideas into one. It would allow me to be various with themes. I can involve animals and hockey as well as my various pieces of art.
Posted by Shelie at 10:13 AM 0 comments
Flash Portfolio
My favourite portfolios were the Coding Monkeys and Por Liniers. What I really like about the Coding Monkeys site was the constant movement in the background but it wasn't distracting movement it was just enough movement so the viewer wasn't just looking at a page online. I really like the buttons as well. I like the way they correspond with each other, especially the 'meet the team' page. I like the Por Liniers site because right from the start it's organized and it points out the buttons. I also like how the mouse symbol even goes along with the theme. I like the way all the colours in the page work together and how the buttons shift when you hover over them with the mouse. I also like how you have to hover over the buttons in order to see where that button takes you. It makes it look more creative. I think the sites look professional because they are both organized and well put together but they are different too. Both sites follow a theme and aren't everywhere with each page all the pages follow the theme. The same colours are used and lighting. Both sites also make it easy to navigate there are no hidden navigation bars. These sites prove you can be creative and professional at the same time. These sites are inspirational towards my own work because they are creative and colourful. They both allow my mind to think of ways I can produce something similar. They gave me ideas on how to add motion but not too distracting motion.
Posted by Shelie at 9:50 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
World Flag
1. What do you like?
I really like the concept of my flag. I love that the idea I originally thought of worked it's way in a different form and I didn't just set my mind to that one idea. I was able to use my idea in a different way. I like the way everything is connected, there isn't one concept that isn't touching another. I like how even with straight lines I able to get the eye to move around in a creative way. It moves around the box and to each opposing corner. So it appears to have more than a square shape there is also a triangle shape.
2. What don't you like?
I am not really a fan of block colours, I like things to look realistic. I don't like that when I look at it all I see is plain jane and nothing that really pops out. I like high contrast and dark images and I had to use a lot of colour and flat images to produce a flag. Other than that I don't really have much to complain about I feel like I did a good job and followed the guidelines to a high degree.
3. How does your flag show World Unity?
I think I showed world unity mostly with colours, Blue represents peace, harmony and unity. Red represents passion, energy and love. Yellow represents joy, happiness and optimism. White represents innocence, peace and cleanliness and Green represents generosity, health and renewal. I use Orange as my center colour because it symbolizes balance, enthusiasm and warmth. I wanted Orange mainly for the representation of balance. I used two parts of the world and have them sharing the Orange world they are sharing the balance and accepting it. Also Red and Yellow make Orange. So by combining the two parts of the world we create balance. I used a lot of connecting concepts within my design. The weave in the top right corner and the two land masses connecting in the bottom left all represent the concept of connecting and becoming one.
Posted by Shelie at 9:26 AM 0 comments
Friday, November 5, 2010
Thursday, November 4, 2010
World Flag Assignment
1. The average flag has about three colours. Red and Blue are very common colours used. Some characteristics of flags are solid colours beside eachother there are no blends or gradients. If there is a symbol on the flag it is commonly in the center or the top left hand side. There are lots of stripes both horizontal and vertical.
2. Five words that represent world unity:
- Peace- shaking hands
- Connected - technology
- Equality - multiple colours working together
- One - individuals
- Respect - people bonding
Posted by Shelie at 11:05 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
3D Invention
I thought long and hard about what I could invent that would make the lives within our society easier. I thought of hobby things and appearance stuff. Like something that dresses you, or something that does your hair and makeup in the morning. But when I thought about these they are just things that would help us on a personal basis with wants rather than needs. So I began thinking about seeing eye dogs and what disadvantages they have. Thinking about the dog took me to the next level and I thought about a person that doesn't need the dog. Dogs are difficult because they need attention and to be cared for too. Thats when I thought of the "Vibra-See" as I call it. Its a bracelet that sends vibrations to indicate whether a blind person is safe to proceed on the street or not. I thought of it making a sound, but the streets in a city can be loud so there is no guarentee that the blind person would hear it. The bracelet would be in-sync with traffic lights for a start, so that when the light is red and you shouldn't cross the street it would send multiple vibrations, and when it stops, or a different kind of vibration starts you can walk across the street.
Posted by Shelie at 11:21 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Pan's Labyrinth
1. What are 3 things that can make this movie be considered an ART movie?
This can be considered an art movie because it isn't a movie that was highly publicized and it doesn't follow the norms of Hollywood movies. It is creative and open ended it doesn't tell you if she actually dies at the end or if she was just dreaming of the throne room. The movie has a unnatural plot, it's not a plot that is made up for a certain genre of people (teens, adults etc.) it is a plot that is allowed to be interpreted in different ways by each individual.
2. How is this movie perhaps more creative than most mainstream movies?
It is more creative than most movies because it doesn't follow a familiar plot line that is predictable like most mainstream movies. It allows the viewer to make it their own movie, to make it a movie that they understand in their own way.
3. Did you like or dislike this movie overall? Please fully explain your opinion.
I actually really liked the movie overall. When the movie was first mentioned I had my doubts but overall it was really interesting. I liked the characters and the way they were designed. I liked that it was something that wasn't predictable because I have been getting really sick of watching movies where you know the end as soon as you hear the first line.
Posted by Shelie at 12:09 PM 0 comments
Monday, November 1, 2010
Utopian Invention Design
1. I think Da Vinci invented these inventions because he was interested in making man fly. Most of the inventions shown are flying devices. I believe he wanted to find a way to let man travel in the air. His one design was a 'tank' so I assume he invented it to protect humans in war. He invented an underwater breathing apparatus as well so the human can safely explore the ocean. There is a common theme in all his inventions they all protect the human in a way. His flying devices allow a person to slowy fall through the sky therefore safely reaching the earth and his war machine protects the humans while they are at war. His breathing apparatus allows a human to breath underwater therefore safely being a part of the ocean.
2. I think that Da Vinci's flying devices have had the biggest impact on modern society because these inventions gave us the start to what we have now. His first was a parachute like design and it looks somewhat like what we call a parachute today. His other design has the wings and the center area for the human flying it. Though it almost looks more like a bird with the wings going up and down with man power, it could easily have been a start to what the Wright brothers came up with.
Posted by Shelie at 7:39 AM 0 comments
Monday, October 25, 2010
Bedroom Cubist Photograph
What do you like?
Over all I think my favourite part is the bottom half and the left side going up. Just because I feel they are the most correct when it comes to cubism. I like the way I was able to put in the cabinet because it holds the things that are the most important to me. I was also happy to include my dog, Mollie, just sitting on the bed because even though she's not 'a part' of my room she is still a very important aspect of my life and I think that was the point of doing our bedrooms for this project to show what is important in our lives.
What don't you like?
I really dislike the top right area of the picture. It looks really jumbled and not so neat. The jersey's in my room are a significant part and I'm not to impressed with they way they turned out and I couldn't figure out how to fix them. So I am kind of disappointed with that part because I really wanted them to stand out.
What would you change if you were able to do it over?
I think I would take a completely different approach I would actually think about where the pictures were going to go before I took them. That way I could make things look more like they fit there. I would also try to find a better way to get light into my room because I don't really like the lighting. That would be difficult though considering I only have one small window that lets in natural light.
Posted by Shelie at 11:22 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Barbara Kruger Assignment
1. What do you like?
I like the image over all actually. I like most of it anyway. I like my phrase and how with it every person that reads it can think of something different so it means a variety of things. I like the picture I got and love how I actually found something I really wanted to use for once.
2. What don't you like?
I don't really like how I had to get rid of the edges I liked it better before but I had to follow Barbara Kruger. I don't really like the positioning of the picture I don't really know why. I think it might be to close too the centre.
3. What is the message to society?
The message is for all the fakes all the people that can't accept how they look so they get surgery after surgery to "fix" themselves. I used a statue of the Goddess Aphrodite, in Greek mythology she is the Goddess of love and beauty and is supposed to be the most beautiful of all the Goddesses. People try to hard for perfection and they look at the famous people and the more fortunate and always compare themselves.
Posted by Shelie at 10:19 AM 0 comments
Friday, October 8, 2010
Barbara Kruger
a. What do you see in this piece of art (describe it)?I see a woman with a double identity. Maybe someone that isn’t comfortable in their own skin or even someone that is too comfortable. A person with everything on the outside but the inside is a big puzzle.
b. What kind of message is the artist giving in this piece of art? I think the artists message is to be yourself don’t be someone that you don’t want to be because of other people.
c. Do you like or dislike Kruger’s work? Why?
I kind of like it. It’s really questionable and keeps your mind going and you don’t always know what she’s trying to tell people.
Posted by Shelie at 11:59 AM 0 comments
Master Painting Animation
1. What do you like?
I like how everything happens at once so it all looks like it's working together. I also liked how my image gave me so much to work with I could move alot of things around. I didn't really have to question much with it. I kind of like my sounds I think some of them make it a little more enjoyable and humerous.
2. What don't you like?
I didn't like that I didn't do this right. I should have allowed myself to seperate some of the animations so that they all didn't start at the same time. I wish I could have got the hand to look more like it was reaching out. I also wish my photoshop kills were a bit better because I had alot more ideas but I didn't have the experience or ability to get it.
3. How have you changed the meaning of the painting?
I really don't think I've changed it much other than making it more out there. It was already a crazy image to start with. I just made it even more unbelievable and unrealistic. I really like the magic realism stuff it is quite interesting.
Posted by Shelie at 11:35 AM 0 comments
Brainstorm Animated Painting
1. I can move the faces into different parts of the buildings.
2. I can stretch things to make it look like the buildings are growing.
3. I can make the hand at the front make it look like its grabbing out at the viewer.
4. I can move different objects in the picture.
5. I can make the old man sitting in the chair fall into the hole.
I can use wind and eerie sounds with pops and bangs.
Posted by Shelie at 11:06 AM 0 comments
Friday, September 24, 2010
Culture Jammer
1. What do you like?
I like the colours. I also like how I was able to get the Disney font for my slogans. I like how that boy sort of blends with the background. I like Tinkerbell she's pretty sweet. I like overall how I reflected that Disney uses swaetshops.
2.What don't you like?
I don't like that I even picked Disney because they have nothing for advertising posters. I don't like that it doesn't look like a poster. I dislike how I went out with this assignment at all and kinda want to start over with a different idea but I'm so stuck on sweatshops at the moment.
3. What is the main message?
I kind of just wanted to reveal that Disney uses sweat shops. So the main message would be even the companies that portray happiness and fairy tale endings torment and use people in order to make a significant amount of money for themselves. Their sweatshops are some of the worst ones where people make 50 cents less than they need a day. Disney won't up the wages 50 cents so these people can just get by with just enough money for food.
Posted by Shelie at 12:00 PM 0 comments
Friday, September 17, 2010
Spoof Ads
1.What company does the advertisement represent?
A girl holding a bear.
4.What message/text is used?
The text tells the viewers what people go through to make those sneakers.
5.What are the elements and principles of design used to convey a message?
The important parts of the text are larger.
The viewers and the people that don't know how Nike works.
Yes I do believe so.
8.How could the ad jam be improved?
Convey more of the unethical ways Nike works. Show the people what they go through.
All Mcdonalds products are greasy.
Ronald Mcdonald with his mouth taped shut.
4.What message (text, copy) is used in the advertisement?
Grease. Everything Mcdonalds is grease.
5. How are the elements and principles of design used to convey a message?
Used the 'M' of Mcdonalds as the 'E' in grease.
6. Who is the target audience of the advertisement?
Young people maybe. Or parents.
I think it does.
8. How could the ad jam be improved?
Calvin Klien
2. What kind of product(s) is being advertised?
3. What imagery is used in the advertisement to subvert?
A hairy not so fit man instead of the usual very attractive body.
4. What message (text, copy) is used in the advertisement?
It changed Eternity to Reality.
5. How are the elements and principles of design used to convey a message?
Darks and Lights.
6. Who is the target audience of the advertisement?
7. Doe the ad jam convey a clear and successful message?
Not really. If you don't know about mens cologne you basically don't get it.
8. How could the ad jam be improved?
Be more specific.

2. What kind of product(s) is being advertised?
The Big Mac
3. What imagery is used in the advertisement to subvert?
A heart rate moniter with the Mcdonalds 'M'.
4. What message (text, copy) is used in the advertisement?
Big Mac Attack referring to a heart attack.
5. How are the elements and principles of design used to convey a message?
The 'M". And doctors doing surgery.
6. Who is the target audience of the advertisement?
People who eat at Mcdonalds.
7. Doe the ad jam convey a clear and successful message?
Could make the text look more like it belongs there.
Posted by Shelie at 9:59 AM 0 comments
Thursday, September 16, 2010
3D Poster
1. What do you like most?
I liked the way I am getting used to using brushes. It is rather exciting isn't it? Once again I like that I was able to bring the image into a circle without too much hassle and thinking. I like how cute puppies are. I obviously love my art and my awesome slogan that I came up with all on my own. I also like how I incorporated my puppy in the background you can barely see her but makes it a bit more personal I guess.
2. What do you dislike?
I don't like how in all my art pieces have the main focus on the right hand side. I noticed this I may try some more variation in future pieces. I don't realy like how my cat turned out on the left I feel like it's a bit too dark and doesn't really show any detail. I tried to put blue behind it to make it pop out more it worked a little bit I guess. Over all I actually didn't mind this project at all and like the way it turned out. Did you read that?! I liked it!!! :O
3. What is the overall message?
That animal cruelty is evil. I really wanted to show the severity of it but a poster wouldn't really be very appealing for the worst of it. I'll leave that stuff for the commercials. So I kept it safe just showing a starving dog and a ill looking cat. I added the cute puppy because no one can resist cuteness and he's got a little bit of a sad face going on. The chain ties all of it together showing how animals are trapped where they are because they don't have a chance they can't speak for themselves. The only way they can is by being violent and that just gets them in more trouble because they get cast away, given up on and euthanized.
Posted by Shelie at 10:17 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
3D Poster
I am going to make an animal rights 3D poster. This will be shown with animal cruelty, animals can't speak for themselves so someone else has to. I obviously need to add the cute factor of a puppy so people aren't just grossed out but they feel bad too. Even though I don't like cats they get neglected too so I might put some of them on my poster. I might have some words like "Be a Voice" or "Be'ware' of abuse" or "They live here too".
Posted by Shelie at 10:05 AM 0 comments
Monday, September 13, 2010
The Spirit of Endurance
1. How does the image show the Spirit of Endurance?
The background of the image shows what the boy at the front endures. There are images of torture and starvation. My main focus and idea was the blood diamond so I did include a diamond. Children and people in general struggle to live in third world countries. They starve and have many issues within causing civil wars. Blood Diamonds have been an issue, where people get tortured into slaving for diamonds and if they disobey in any way they can get killed, and many cases have their hands cut off so they can't try to steal the diamonds. Children get taken away from their families and trained to shoot guns and kill. Yet when you see these people they are still grateful and happy to have eachother.
2. What aspect of the image do you find most successful?
I think I finally succeeded in making it go around so your eye doesn't stop. I love the way it worked out that the boys head and body made a nice curve to start with and build from. I found a way to make everything connect and not just sit in the middle of no where. I think I succeeded in showing my theme and love how I started using brushes to connect and not always trying to find random images to fill and bring things together.
3. What aspect of the image do you find least successful?
Once again its dark and I don't really involve many colours. I didn't really show the boy enduring the torture and such things. I kind of just put them there and I'm not really telling a story. I guess I wanted to show that even though they look happy thats what is always at the back of their mind. I wish I could find a way to brighten up my art I always seem to make it dark. I guess in this case it's not that bad I mean torture is a pretty dark subject and I managed to keep the boy nice and bright.
Posted by Shelie at 9:56 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
How will I show the Spirit of Endurance?
At first I was thinking about a swamp and wildlife's endurance with pollution. Then I thought more about people's endurance. I instantly thought of places in Africa with blood diamonds and civil war. I thought about the torture and starvation. I thought about how through all of it somehow those family's still find a way to live and be happy. They never seem to give up. They remain thankful and still believe. So my design, my main focus will be a smiling child or family. In the back will be images of torture, pain, starvation and suffering. It will represent the past as well as the present for the child. It will mostly be black and white with punches of colour to bring focus to certain parts as well as to move the viewers eye around.
Posted by Shelie at 11:17 AM 0 comments