? ??????????????????? ????Easy Install Instructions:???1. Copy the Code??2. Log in to your Blogger account
and go to "Manage Layout" from the Blogger Dashboard??3. Click on the "Edit HTML" tab.??4. Delete the code already in the "Edit Template" box and paste the new code in.??5. Click BLOGGER TEMPLATES - TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Career Assignment

What do you like?
Overall I really like the whole thing. I like my 3D-ish effect with all the pictures coming out of the frame. I like that I have multiple sizes of images and objects. I like the setup and organization of the image. I really like all the vines taking your eye everywhere in it.

What don't you like?
I don't like that it looks kinda of cluttered with a bunch of anything everywhere. I don't like the picture of me. I look dirty. I wish I could have more highlights and have it brighter. You know if i could of used the colour red my picture might not look so out of place. I'm not sure I like the brightness and the colour scheme. Red and black would of worked better with my dark picture.

How does it represent the career?
I chose to portray photography. My image does its job very well. The point of a photographer is to capture a moment so you can relive it everytime you look at the photograph. So whats better then reliving it? Making the picture come time life. That's what I attempted to do by having the object in the photograph come out of the frame. I chose all animals and nature because that is what I'm most interested in. I'd love to witness and photograph wildlife doing its thing.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Interactive Portfolio Reflection

What do you like?
I like pretty much everything in my portfolio. I like how I was able to use things I wanted and that I am interested in. I really like my art page and the animations that take place in it. My profile page is my second favourite I really like my second design that I came up with for this page and I think it suits and a lot more for the creativity and interesting factors. I like my small clips in my main page with the puck and the fans.

What don't you like?
I really wish I could have ended with a better main page. I like it,but I think I could have came up with something a lot better if I was able to get images I really wanted to use. I think that altering the image so much in photoshop made it lose a bit of its quality and I'm not sure I like that. Overall though I was pretty happy and impressed with the final product of my interactive portfolio.

How can this be considered professional?
I think my portfolio is easily compared to the ones we looked at before we started. I think mine is equal with some, it's not the worst and not the best. It has good qualities that keep people interested in my pages. I think the main thing that makes mine worse is the quality of the images in the pages. Other then that I think mine can be considered professional and I would feel at ease if I were presenting it to a college or university I want to go to/

Friday, December 17, 2010

Spoof Ad Re-Do

What do you like?
I like that everything goes together and the advertisement actually looks like an advertisement. I like the way the clorox advertisement made it possible for my idea. I love the slogan and how you know its Clorox. I also like how Clorox isn't known for testing on animals and how I was able to do that.
What don't you like?
I am not sure I like the puppy I think it has too much contrast for the picture all together. I also wish I could get a more sad afraid looking puppy instead of one playing with a toy. But the toy also reveals the cuteness of the puppy and will make people understand a bit more.
What is the main message?
The main message is to reveal that Clorox tests their products on animals. Why they have to I don't know. Clorox claims they can fight every germ but the message in this spoof ad is that they also fight innocent animals. It will make people aware and maybe think twice before they support this product.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Media Arts Portfolio

1. My first idea was a graveyard with a tree and an owl in the tree. The scene would be dark and eerie because a lot of my art is dark, like my lyric assignment and my alter ego as well as my survival assignment from this year. I don't really know what my other scenes will be though. I could take the viewers into the tree or a crypt or grave. I could have my art work in the crypt with spider webs and broken beams. The only issue I'd have with this theme is it doesn't portray me as a person.

2. I like hockey. I could do something in a dressing room, or since I'm the goalie I could have a net scene with a puck and other things associated with hockey. This would probably be the theme that best suits me. It'll probably be the most interesting to me but none of my art involves hockey. Another thing I would be concerned about is the animation and how I would add movement and come into my main scene.

3. Another idea I had was a desk with a lot of the things that I can't live without. Things like my Ipod, phone, pictures and the laptop. I think something like a picture of myself playing hockey or my hockey picture would take the viewer to my biography, or maybe my Ipod because I think someones music can tell a lot about them. My phone or laptop could be the buttons that take the viewer to my art.

4. A lot of my art involves animals, more of my visual arts though not so much the computer designed art. I don't really know how I would incorporate a theme with animals, whether I used a kennel or a pet bed. I think it would be difficult to have an animal theme. I could do a wild scene rather than a domestic scene. My portfolio could be a part of the environment in a jungle or a forest. I could use favourite animals as buttons. I think this idea would give me a variety of ways to use movement and movie clips.

5. I want to go into graphic design. I could use a Mac desktop with different design concepts. That way I can bring in all my theme ideas into one. It would allow me to be various with themes. I can involve animals and hockey as well as my various pieces of art.

Flash Portfolio

My favourite portfolios were the Coding Monkeys and Por Liniers. What I really like about the Coding Monkeys site was the constant movement in the background but it wasn't distracting movement it was just enough movement so the viewer wasn't just looking at a page online. I really like the buttons as well. I like the way they correspond with each other, especially the 'meet the team' page. I like the Por Liniers site because right from the start it's organized and it points out the buttons. I also like how the mouse symbol even goes along with the theme. I like the way all the colours in the page work together and how the buttons shift when you hover over them with the mouse. I also like how you have to hover over the buttons in order to see where that button takes you. It makes it look more creative. I think the sites look professional because they are both organized and well put together but they are different too. Both sites follow a theme and aren't everywhere with each page all the pages follow the theme. The same colours are used and lighting. Both sites also make it easy to navigate there are no hidden navigation bars. These sites prove you can be creative and professional at the same time. These sites are inspirational towards my own work because they are creative and colourful. They both allow my mind to think of ways I can produce something similar. They gave me ideas on how to add motion but not too distracting motion.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

World Flag

1. What do you like?
I really like the concept of my flag. I love that the idea I originally thought of worked it's way in a different form and I didn't just set my mind to that one idea. I was able to use my idea in a different way. I like the way everything is connected, there isn't one concept that isn't touching another. I like how even with straight lines I able to get the eye to move around in a creative way. It moves around the box and to each opposing corner. So it appears to have more than a square shape there is also a triangle shape.

2. What don't you like?
I am not really a fan of block colours, I like things to look realistic. I don't like that when I look at it all I see is plain jane and nothing that really pops out. I like high contrast and dark images and I had to use a lot of colour and flat images to produce a flag. Other than that I don't really have much to complain about I feel like I did a good job and followed the guidelines to a high degree.

3. How does your flag show World Unity?
I think I showed world unity mostly with colours, Blue represents peace, harmony and unity. Red represents passion, energy and love. Yellow represents joy, happiness and optimism. White represents innocence, peace and cleanliness and Green represents generosity, health and renewal. I use Orange as my center colour because it symbolizes balance, enthusiasm and warmth. I wanted Orange mainly for the representation of balance. I used two parts of the world and have them sharing the Orange world they are sharing the balance and accepting it. Also Red and Yellow make Orange. So by combining the two parts of the world we create balance. I used a lot of connecting concepts within my design. The weave in the top right corner and the two land masses connecting in the bottom left all represent the concept of connecting and becoming one.

Friday, November 5, 2010
