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and go to "Manage Layout" from the Blogger Dashboard??3. Click on the "Edit HTML" tab.??4. Delete the code already in the "Edit Template" box and paste the new code in.??5. Click BLOGGER TEMPLATES - TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Flash Portfolio

My favourite portfolios were the Coding Monkeys and Por Liniers. What I really like about the Coding Monkeys site was the constant movement in the background but it wasn't distracting movement it was just enough movement so the viewer wasn't just looking at a page online. I really like the buttons as well. I like the way they correspond with each other, especially the 'meet the team' page. I like the Por Liniers site because right from the start it's organized and it points out the buttons. I also like how the mouse symbol even goes along with the theme. I like the way all the colours in the page work together and how the buttons shift when you hover over them with the mouse. I also like how you have to hover over the buttons in order to see where that button takes you. It makes it look more creative. I think the sites look professional because they are both organized and well put together but they are different too. Both sites follow a theme and aren't everywhere with each page all the pages follow the theme. The same colours are used and lighting. Both sites also make it easy to navigate there are no hidden navigation bars. These sites prove you can be creative and professional at the same time. These sites are inspirational towards my own work because they are creative and colourful. They both allow my mind to think of ways I can produce something similar. They gave me ideas on how to add motion but not too distracting motion.