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Wednesday, November 3, 2010

3D Invention

I thought long and hard about what I could invent that would make the lives within our society easier. I thought of hobby things and appearance stuff. Like something that dresses you, or something that does your hair and makeup in the morning. But when I thought about these they are just things that would help us on a personal basis with wants rather than needs. So I began thinking about seeing eye dogs and what disadvantages they have. Thinking about the dog took me to the next level and I thought about a person that doesn't need the dog. Dogs are difficult because they need attention and to be cared for too. Thats when I thought of the "Vibra-See" as I call it. Its a bracelet that sends vibrations to indicate whether a blind person is safe to proceed on the street or not. I thought of it making a sound, but the streets in a city can be loud so there is no guarentee that the blind person would hear it. The bracelet would be in-sync with traffic lights for a start, so that when the light is red and you shouldn't cross the street it would send multiple vibrations, and when it stops, or a different kind of vibration starts you can walk across the street.