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Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Barbara Kruger Assignment

1. What do you like?
I like the image over all actually. I like most of it anyway. I like my phrase and how with it every person that reads it can think of something different so it means a variety of things. I like the picture I got and love how I actually found something I really wanted to use for once.

2. What don't you like?
I don't really like how I had to get rid of the edges I liked it better before but I had to follow Barbara Kruger. I don't really like the positioning of the picture I don't really know why. I think it might be to close too the centre.

3. What is the message to society?
The message is for all the fakes all the people that can't accept how they look so they get surgery after surgery to "fix" themselves. I used a statue of the Goddess Aphrodite, in Greek mythology she is the Goddess of love and beauty and is supposed to be the most beautiful of all the Goddesses. People try to hard for perfection and they look at the famous people and the more fortunate and always compare themselves.