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Friday, October 8, 2010

Master Painting Animation

1. What do you like?
I like how everything happens at once so it all looks like it's working together. I also liked how my image gave me so much to work with I could move alot of things around. I didn't really have to question much with it. I kind of like my sounds I think some of them make it a little more enjoyable and humerous.

2. What don't you like?
I didn't like that I didn't do this right. I should have allowed myself to seperate some of the animations so that they all didn't start at the same time. I wish I could have got the hand to look more like it was reaching out. I also wish my photoshop kills were a bit better because I had alot more ideas but I didn't have the experience or ability to get it.

3. How have you changed the meaning of the painting?
I really don't think I've changed it much other than making it more out there. It was already a crazy image to start with. I just made it even more unbelievable and unrealistic. I really like the magic realism stuff it is quite interesting.