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Monday, September 13, 2010

The Spirit of Endurance

1. How does the image show the Spirit of Endurance?
The background of the image shows what the boy at the front endures. There are images of torture and starvation. My main focus and idea was the blood diamond so I did include a diamond. Children and people in general struggle to live in third world countries. They starve and have many issues within causing civil wars. Blood Diamonds have been an issue, where people get tortured into slaving for diamonds and if they disobey in any way they can get killed, and many cases have their hands cut off so they can't try to steal the diamonds. Children get taken away from their families and trained to shoot guns and kill. Yet when you see these people they are still grateful and happy to have eachother.

2. What aspect of the image do you find most successful?
I think I finally succeeded in making it go around so your eye doesn't stop. I love the way it worked out that the boys head and body made a nice curve to start with and build from. I found a way to make everything connect and not just sit in the middle of no where. I think I succeeded in showing my theme and love how I started using brushes to connect and not always trying to find random images to fill and bring things together.

3. What aspect of the image do you find least successful?
Once again its dark and I don't really involve many colours. I didn't really show the boy enduring the torture and such things. I kind of just put them there and I'm not really telling a story. I guess I wanted to show that even though they look happy thats what is always at the back of their mind. I wish I could find a way to brighten up my art I always seem to make it dark. I guess in this case it's not that bad I mean torture is a pretty dark subject and I managed to keep the boy nice and bright.